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The weather in North Alabama is beautiful today! Our current temp is 68 degrees and I've got all the windows open enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze. It's hard to be in a grumpy mood when it's this pretty out.
Nothing more to discuss today. Sorry! Here's a cute picture of the pups I took yesterday:
Don't worry, Macey doesn't need Doggie Antidepressants, she just hates having her picture taken. She's definitely not cut out to live the life of the rich and famous.
What a pair.....Precious pups!!! Show them the top picture and make sure they appreciate that they do not have an outfit like that.
Oh my word. How stinkin cute! :) Happy March, Brekke!
Haha, my hubby and I always joke that one of our pups needs meds for depression! But I swear he's happy...he just makes sad faces sometimes!
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