
Culinary Creations

So I was finally learning how to cook and making some really tasty meals for hubby and myself.  I was so proud of myself!!  But seriously people, how can something not be good with an entire stick of butter and cheese and butter in it?  Did I mention the butter??  So yeah, then I joined Weight Watchers and the butter now sits sad and lonely in the back of the fridge.  So now I'm trying to learn how to cook healthier without losing the taste.  Here are some recent creations:

African Meatball Stew with Cous Cous
Ok so first things first, I love Africa.  I could write a whole post about my experience in Botswana but I'll save that for later.  This caught my eye because of the name.  I'm not really sure why it's African, but didn't matter...I was gonna make it!!  I've never made meatballs before, so that was a small challenge in itself, I think I cooked them four times a little too long but Baron ate them with a smile.  The sauce was pretty good and had a lot of flavor.  I liked the sauce mixed with the cous-cous, but couldn't stomach the rubber balls of meat that I made.  Oh well, you win some, you lose some :-/

So here is my Weight Watchers Win!
Grilled Chicken with Capers and Asparagus

Oh my goodness, y'all!  This was so good.  Don't mean to toot my own horn, but honk, honk!!  Now we don't have a grill.  So I had to bust out the George Foreman (which I never use and was slightly irritated that Baron wanted to move it up here because who-the-heck-uses-a-George-Foreman-anyways?!)  The prep time on the recipe said "20 min" but if it took me five minutes, it took an entire hour.  I grilled up some squash that we got at the Farmer's Market too and it was sooo good.  6 Points if y'all are into counting points and all that jazz and highly worth it!

Ranndom pic of the pups for Grandmas :)
Macey & her shadow

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